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mardi 21 juin 2016

Probleem Three Reasons Google likes fresh and original content

Ever Panda algorithm update from appearing in mid-2011 the majority who do not stop talking about the dramatic changes of the search engine Google bought the issue revolves around online content fresh and original. While business professionals view this content as 1 move was predicted to thiet bi kiem dinh o to increase awareness and quality content search, SEO experts not much fun back Previous algorithms. everyone is discussing the consequences and methods to overcome ... but there is one problem less likely to be popular are:

Why Google likes fresh original content and new?
Fresh new content
Google always fascinated fresh new content
Please take a passage opening optimazation Of Search Engine Starter guider, Google clearly explain why you have to do to follow the instructions their SEO best 1:
"... Practice under the guiding SEO tool below will help choose the weight for easier data collection, indexing and content of the website to understand you better."
Because we're in the game with Google, and they are the right person for the rules to comply with the new one should hope for good results.
Next please explain the term "natural content". Its originality is "organic content", if the selected phase out about seo that you see this phrase and its literal content is organic, then perhaps unknown to its nature something. To understand it you should know why Panda born?
was because he wanted to punish the contents of garbage that SEOer created to get backlinks, content ownership that can by used software from the disturbance location of a sentence, short pan is equipped with content that person use reading to feel patchwork, no coincidence not understand anything and frustrating. Therefore the main "organic content" is content to direct users, self-written to meet the needs of users' lives opposite the other junk content. For the need to use content from polymerization also acceptable.
ownership can see cau nang the important role of new content:
New content not only keeps the amount visistor your familiar but also new visistor earn wages.
Create compelling content and helpful bearing extremely affordable effects for your website than most other factors in SEO.

Random quality content will possess the ability viral (spreads) + oral helps you build a reputation for owning the website for users and search engines selected.
Your web design aims for visistor needs and ensure the technical aspects of search engine friendly will generate positive results in the standings.
Google retrieve user information and how to use them?
Google launched their 2 way to get information online users.
the information you produce for Google at the register using a particular Google service. Spacious mandatory service you should register one Google account and from there they have personal information such as name, address, email, phone number ...
- The information Google receives from you used to being their services - for example, when you visit a webstie to use Google's PR will view or network interaction and promote content, Google will tap quite common believe it.
So, Google uses the data it like?
According to Google's explanation is as follows:
"We use the information we collect from all of our services to distribute, maintain, protect and improve them, to strengthen the new type, to protect Google and users. We use this information to make your content available are designed like that gives you search results and promoting related property. "
Such was clearly the 3 main reasons:
1. Improved user experience:
Google also consider the nature of the company's first major marketing services so they must create value for users, increase the experience and the level of user satisfaction is synonymous with bringing more people to use the services of them more.
2. Tweak your advertising objectives:
owns $ 36 billion revenue in 2011 Google has developed into expert data synthesis of sellers and customers. To keep this massive profits they have a need for accurate data than ever before. And only own original content and fresh new possible distribution data kept cleaner than the old content.
Please quote the words of Google: "We use this information am also offer you great Tailored content - like giving you more search results and ads the relevant."
3. Creates Knowledge Graph artificial intelligence (AI knowledge graph)
Optimal Knowledge Graph What is artificial?
Google wants to create a search engine to understand the logic enough relationship between the various entities in our world. Their idea is to build a knowledge super large graph of connections between entities and their attributes of each property.
For example, a web design company will provide sales-related entities such as coder, SEO, graphic design, around which the restaurant business website design that brings the property connected enterprise hosting, domain ... Google is addressing the issues related inferences between such entities.
Data supply new original and fresh in design or controlled by Google to create one logical graphs comprehensive knowledge to increase the power and complexity to make their selection tools. This is why Google's webmaster page criticized the secrets of natural SEO ko:
".. Insert diversity unnecessary keywords aimed at search engines ... Annoying bought or nonsensical to users' lives ..."
with the algorithm required to focus the entire person building a new and original content to serve Google based on three reasons above. I can see phong son the future ownership of Google depends in large part on the standards and new original content. Effort to write content adaptation has brought Google to help us but also open the way for the dominance of Google in the future.

Probleem Three Reasons Google likes fresh and original content

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